Calendar of Events
Event Information:
Thu01Sep20224:00 PM - 6:00 PM19 Pearl Lane, Seabrook, SC 29940
Gullah Farmers Cooperative High Tunnel Workshop Pt 2
Fruit production in high tunnels is on the rise and can be a great niche product for your market.
We’ll visit Roy Green and Simply Green Raised Garden Box on Thursday, September 1, to learn about implementing blackberry production in high tunnel and outdoor field space. Come tour his farm and ask questions about this innovative production system!
Roy Green has been gardening for over 50 years. Roy was raised on a farm and was taught at an early age the importance of growing your own fresh produce. Roy successfully completed the South Carolina Master Gardener Program through the Clemson Cooperative Extension Service. He shares a passion for growing vegetables. He would like to spread that passion to others and educate everyone on the advantages of growing your own fresh produce.
- Gena Moore, CFSA – Organic Research Coordinator
- Zack Snipes, Clemson – Cooperative Extension Area Horticulture Agent – Charleston & Beaufort Counties
- Roy Green, Simply Green Raised Garden Box
- Register Now
- FREE, but registration is required to attend.
- Max capacity: 20
- Registration closes on August 31.
- Don’t miss Part 1 – Bed Prep and Irrigation, happening August 11.
Location: Simply Green Raised Garden Box | 19 Pearl Lane, Seabrook, SC 29940
This workshop is supported by the Gullah Farmers Cooperative, a Gullah food preparation and distribution center that promotes Gullah family small farms and Gullah cultural heritage.
Our Mission
To support promotional, research, and educational efforts for improving the marketing and quality of production of fresh fruit, vegetable, and specialty crops grown in South Carolina.