Apply for Grant Applications

Below are available SC Speciality Crop Growers Association Grant Applications for download.

Water Quality Analysis

The South Carolina Department of Agriculture and South Carolina Specialty Crop Growers Association is proud to announce the Water Quality Analysis Cost Share Program. Through funding from the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant, farmers can receive reimbursements up to $1,000 per year, per farm for analysis of on farm water inputs for generic E Coli and General Coliform on South Carolina farms.

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Cold Storage Cost Share

*Funding is currently expired for this project*

The South Carolina Department of Agriculture and South Carolina Specialty Crop Growers Association is proud to announce the Cold Storage Cost Share Program. Through funding from the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant, farmers can get reimbursed up to $750 for installing a Cool-Bot cooler system. Farmers can receive reimbursements for purchasing and installing up to two (2) Cool-Bot cooler systems.

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Market Development Trade Show and Educational Cost Share

*2024-2025 applications coming soon*

The South Carolina Specialty Crop Growers Association  and SCDA are working together to offer a cost share program that will assist growers in attending domestic trade shows and conferences. This project will offer financial assistance for attending and or exhibiting at pre-approved regional trade shows and conferences. Growers may be reimbursed an amount based on 50% of exhibitor or registration fees via application approval and contract award process.

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Value-Added Packaging Cost Share

*Funding available 9/25/24*

The South Carolina Specialty Crop Growers Association is pleased to announce the Value-Added Packaging Cost Share Program. Through funding from the USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant, farmers can receive reimbursement up to $1,800 per year, or $1350 for nonmembers, per farm for packaging costs. An additional $200 may be requested for the use of value-added packaging, consisting primarily of sustainable materials that are reusable, recyclable, or compostable. This additional reimbursement will be provided at the discretion of the SC Specialty Crop Growers Association and the SCDA. Packaging is an essential part of marketing and selling specialty crops and can be an expensive input for farmers, especially in the early stages of their business. This program is designed to help alleviate some of the financial burden that comes with farming and encourage growers to expand their market outlets. Reimbursements are available on a first come first serve basis until funds are depleted.

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For information regarding grants, please email Michael Cranford at